Venphos 400 SL

Benefits of Venphos 400 SL:
- Venphos 400 SL eradicates organisms causing Downy mildew and phytophthora in the plant system.
- Venphos 400 SL can be used as bio stimulant to develop internal resistance against Oomycetes Class of fungi.
- Venphos 400 SL being systemic in action, ensures better absorption.
- Venphos 400 SL degraded product can be used by the plants as nutrients.
- Venphos 400 SL is ecologically safe and environmentally friendly.
- Venphos 400 SL is a water-soluble formulation based on potassium salt for phosphorus acid.
- Venphos 400 SL a product having systemic action working as a disease suppressor with protective & curative actions.
- Venphos 400 SL is also very popular on grape, pomegranate, tomato, chili, potato, brinjal, cardamom, arecanut etc.
- Venphos 400 SL is also very effective on cotton, soybean, all fruit crops, vegetable, and ornamental crops.
- Venphos 400 SL is well suited for foliar application & soil drench.

- Spraying: 2 ml of Venphos 400 SL is dissolve in 1 liter of clean water for all types of agricultural and vegetable & fruit crops.
- Drenching: 500 ml Venphos 400 SL use for 1 acre through drip irrigation or drenching.
Spray Venphos 400 SL preferably at evening in high Humidity & low temperature conditions.
Venphos 400 SL is compatible with almost all fungicides, insecticides & water-soluble fertilizers. We recommend to go for jar test. Check the compatibility of Venphos 400 SL with an input to be used.