Vengold - SH

Benefits of Vengold- SH
- Vengold- SH is a proprietary research product derived from various organic sources of plant origin by natural extraction process.
- Vengold- SH contains natural soil conditioning substances for improving Soil & Plant health.
- Vengold- SH have an excellent ability of holding water almost by 7 times of its weight, greater water holding capacity than clay soil.
- Vengold- SH enables roots to quickly access available nutrients required for vigorous plant growth and more yield with better quality produce.
- Vengold- SH increasing efficiency of fertilizers.
- Vengold- SH helps in supplying the nutrients to the crop which beneficial but not meet from soil.
- Vengold- SH helps to avail food for beneficial micro flora in the soil which helps in increasing the productivity of the soil & organic carbon.

Features of
Vengold - SH
- Vengold- SH is 100% organic product.
- Savings in 20 to 30% chemical fertilizers.
- Vengold- SH is completely safe for humans, animals, birds & the environment.
How to use
Vengold- SH
- Mixing with any chemical, organic or biological fertilizer.
- Through drip irrigation or drenching.
- Mixing with 40 to 50 dry soil.
For Vegetable & Field Crops:
- 1st Dose: At the time of sowing seeds or transplanting apply 500 gm per acre.
- 2nd Dose: In the stage of flowering or fruit development apply 500 gm per acre.
For Fruit Crops:
- 1st Dose: At the time of picking bahar or in peak vegetative growth stage apply 500 gm in soil.
- 2nd Dose: In the stage of fruit setting or fruit development stage apply 500 gm in soil.
Precaution : Vengold– SH is compatible with almost all kind of fertilizers except highly acidic fertilizers.